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Are all these pictures faked?

Yes they are. All these photos are manipulated! - That's what you would say if you think a camera captures a scene exactly like your eyes see it. But is this so? - No, it is not. Especially in landscape photography are a lot very light and very dark parts in one scene. Either the exposure time is set for the lights or dark parts of an image. The other parts will be overexposed or too dark. Human eyes have less problems with this dynamic range. A solution in photography for this fact is working with filters or image editing. I don't use any filters (the reasons are diverse, but this is another topic) and I decided to solve these problems with image editing. In my opinion this has nothing to do with faking at all. It is only eliminating weaknesses of the camera and optimizing the photo which was captured. But I can understand that this seems a bit dubious. When you look at my photos you will automatically ask yourself what parts of the image are captured by the camera and which ones are optimized by image editing. How much optimizing was required to get the final image? That's why I produced some videos of my most favorite images of the years 2015 and 2016. The videos show the data saved fresh and unedited on the sd-card in the camera, the result of the Lightroom export and the final image. For better comparability all of the images shown in the videos are already straightened out and cropped.

Watch the process from the original picture out of the camera to the final image for the following images on Youtube now. Other stories will follow soon.

Click on the images to get to the videos:

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