End-of-year-review 2015
Like last time I will post my last -year-review again in spring. In 2015 I had several reasons for that decision. This year I was just a bit lazy. There are still pictures left for editing from 2015 because I shot so many in Canada and the United states.
Before I went there I visited two great locations in Cologne. At the first one I felt in love with another section of photography: spiral staircases. If you look directly from above or sit in the center at the lowest floor the view is very special. And although we use staircases every day the view is absolutely unfamiliar.

The interesting aspect at the second location is the contrast from old and new architecture. It was a really cool afternoon I still like to think at. I will definitely visit Cologne again. I know one or two more locations for sunset and some more beautiful staircases. I hope there is some time for that trip this year.

Next to staircases I saw again at the big picture of photography (what a nice idiom while writing about taking photos) and tried high speed photography with water drops. It wasn't easy to get some satisfying results but at the end I was quite happy with the drops I've created.

Then my big dream became true: I flew to Vancouver, my dream city. The skyscrapers between the ocean and the mountains are just amazing and provide great opportunities for interesting pictures. In the blue hour the reflections were my number one photo subjects. When I wasn't in the cityscape mood I took the bus or rent a car and went to the beautiful nature right on the cities doorstep.
How I've mentioned at the beginning of this article a lot of raw material is still unedited on my hard disc. The pictures of Vancouver are almost published completely, but there are much more to show from British Columbia, the Rocky mountains, and Seattle. Stay tuned.

Back in Germany again I had really enough of cityscapes and landscape photography was given priority. Because of the lack of time I could only take two foggy sunrise shots. But I had the opportunity to photograph some other beautiful landscape scenes like balls of straw and an old volcanic crater which is filled with water and called Laacher See.

In 2016 a lot of duties and work are looming next to photography. I'm sure I will not take as much pictures as last year but I promise to take my camera out regularly.