End-of-year review 2014
What? An end-of-year review in March?!?!?! Are you serious? Yes, I am!
There are some good reasons for me to write this post but now.
Post processing with image editing software plays a prominent role for me in photography. And this work wasn't done yet with all the pictures I've made in 2014.
I need some distance to find out, what pictures I really love, and which are just average.
So let's start:
I like to do photography for a long time, but last year I reeeeeeally felt in love with landscape photography. I already knew that the best light is in the morning and I had already seen pictures of foggy sunrises. But you have to leave your comfort zone to do photography like this: Stand up at 4 o'clock in the morning, walk through dark and cold forests on a hill with heavy photography stuff, ...
Last autumn it was time to stop dreaming and start doing it!
I had great moments in the heather near Kaiserslautern, called Melinger Heide. This actually was my first sunrise with a camera and it was BOOOOOOM! I was totally stunned! I never wanted to do photography of something else than fog and sunrises.

Totally stokes I looked for other locations and visited some old castles and saw some of the best moments of nature I've ever seen. I really loved the morning on Castle Lindelbrunn. In addition of finding good locations my editing skills grew too. I learned to deal with luminosity masks to master different light conditions and do selective editing.

I did a journey to Fuerteventura an my holidays and of course I did sunrise photography there. Seascapes were a completely new experience for me and probably I have to learn working with grey filters because my current workflow with digital blending doesn't work well with fast moving waves. Perhaps 2015 I will have a look at grey filters.

In Germany again I visited one more location to do autumn sunrise photography: Castle Wegelnburg. People say there you can see the most fascinating sunrises in the south west of Germany and I think they are right! Unfortunately I was there at a Saturday and there were 5 more photographers. Because of that it was difficult to find a view without people in the picture. I talked to one of the photographers and told her, I have to drive almost 200 kilometers to get at this spot. She only smiled bored and said, she had to drive 500 kilometers and visits the south west of Germany almost every weekend. She really loves photography! Respect!

Because I don't like naked trees, I went to the cities Mainz and Frankfurt to do some cityscapes pictures at the end of the year.

Now I'm asking myself which picture of 2014 I like most. Because I did not find an answer, I helped myself with a ranking.
Third place: I love the soft long exposure look of the water in combination with the rough rocks.

Second place:My last and most epic sunrise in 2014. This one was the aspiration of 2014 and I got it. The photo became like I imagined before. In a way an dream came true.
My favorite:Maybe not the very best photo of 2014 but anyhow my absolute favorite because the picture is a milestone: I felt this BOOOOOOM-feeling by doing photos the first time. From this day on, landscape photography is my obsession.

2015 started promising. I have a lot of ideas for pictures and plenty of new locations. Of course there will be more sunrise-pictures and I just felt in love with staircases. I'm sure you will like it!